Featured In: Mentoring Up, Down, and Sideways: Reciprocity and Care in the Museum Education Field

Thank you Ashley Mask for interviewing me and Sierra Van Ryck deGroot about our peer mentorship relationship. Our interview alongside others, provide a wonderful reflection on what mentorship can look like to meet a variety of needs. Ashley’s article Mentoring Up, Down, and Sideways: Reciprocity and Care in the Museum Education Field can be found in the Journal of Museum Education, Volume 48, Issue 4 (2023).

Featured In: House Calls by Anya Davidson

Carla Bruni has been a consistent catalyst for positive shifts in historic preservation - in Chicago, and beyond. She is OFFICIALLY a comic super hero. “House Calls” by Anya Davidson takes us on a short journey as Carla gives a compelling argument for preservation as an affordable housing tool. It’s an honor to be featured in the comic alongside Tonika Johnson and Shermann “Dilla” Thomas as an innovative preservationist.

You can buy a digital or physical issue of Newcity October 2023 Issue: Chicago Architecture Biennial on newcityshop.com.

Quoted In: Pay Transparency - Does mandatory disclosure of salaries reduce inequity? REPORT

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Urooj Naveed for her report co-written with Tasmiha Khan about compensation transparency.

Companies are facing a crescendo of calls for greater transparency about their pay levels, as local, regional and national governments enact laws designed to increase the visibility of salary rates. Pay transparency laws typically fall into three categories: prohibiting companies from banning salary discussions among ...” Click link to continue reading